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Best Angle For Incline Bench: Exercises And Complete Guide

Best Angle For Incline Bench

A common version of the bench press that targets the same muscles is the incline bench press. It draws attention to the chest’s top region, or clavicular head.

The upper chest is the key muscle in this exercise, although the front delt likes to take center stage. Additionally, working out the best angle for incline bench press can strengthen your upper chest. When they wish to draw attention to their upper chest, a lot of people make mistakes. You see, where you put the focus depends on what is known as the best angle for incline bench press. Furthermore, if you do it incorrectly, you will deplete your target muscles and give other muscles the upper hand.

We will discuss how to do the incline bench press in this post. What angle is best for incline bench? We will examine the benefits, the muscles worked, how to use it in your training, and its various variations further on.

What Is An Incline Bench Press?

An incline bench press is a lateral pushing workout in which you sit on an angled bench with your head and torso parallel to the floor, and press dumbbells or a barbell away from your chest. An upper body workout that is done while lying flat on a bench with optimal incline bench angle of 30 and 45 degrees.

Unlike shoulder presses, it enables you to safely lift larger weights to increase the size and strength of your upper chest muscles. This exercise puts more strain on the upper pecs in the area of the clavicles since the bench is adjusted to an inclination. The pectoralis major’s clavicular head is highlighted by the incline press. You can perform the incline bench press using bodyweight, machines, dumbbells, cables, or barbells. When incorporated into a workout routine, it is an easy approach to develop a striking upper chest.

One variant of the standard bench press is the incline bench press. It entails reclining on an inclined bench and pulling weights. When choosing which muscles to target during a workout, the best angle for incline bench press is an important consideration. A lower angle will focus on the muscles of the upper chest, while a steeper angle will work the shoulders more.

It is critical to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all form for the incline bench press. Your body type, comfort level, and exercise objectives may all influence the best angle for incline bench press. You may, however, establish the optimal incline bench angle by following some general recommendations.

angle for incline bench

How To Perform An Incline Bench Press Barbell

This is a step-by-step form and technique tutorial for the barbell incline bench press. Should you want to utilize a specialized bar or dumbbells, most of the processes would remain the same. You will require an incline bench, weight plates, and a barbell. Although rolling an adjustable weight bench into a squatting or power rack and setting it up yourself is a more convenient option. Having a pre-built incline bench pressing station makes this exercise much easier to set up.


Ensure that the bar is easily within your reach and that, once unlocked, it descends to your upper chest in a comfortable manner. You want your shoulders and upper back to feel powerful and solid. Similar to when you unrack a standard flat bench press. Therefore, try not to move the bench too much forward or back.

When necessary, adjust the bench’s position; test your setup with an empty barbell. An exercise bench should be inclined to a 30 or 45 degree angle(best degree for incline bench). Fill the bar,  remain flat on the bench. Place your upper back and hips on the bench. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and exert your knees to the fullest.

Everybody has a distinct comfortable place for their hands to rest on the bar. However, in general, your hands could be a little bit broader than your shoulders. If you are not sure, at the bottom of the bench press, your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor. You will have your forearms angling inward or outward depending on how broad or narrow your grip width is.

Take off the barbell. Hold it steady above your shoulders and upper chest. To improve your grip activation, pull back your shoulder blades firmly and compress the barbell. Bring the barbell up to your torso. Avoid rounding your shoulders and chest by using your back muscles actively. Actively stretch your pectoral muscles as you drop the bar. Maintain your shoulders on the bench at all times.

Press the bar upward while bringing your elbows in toward your body. Bend your elbows. During this stage, take care not to lose stability or control. In general, you should not extend your elbows. Maintain your bench-side shoulders. Keep the bar from falling to your chest. Bring the bar up to your chest. Consider your lats as a spring that you are compressing to provide greater force when pushing.

Sets And Reps: Incline Bench Press

You may gain significant chest growth and strength by including the incline bench press in your exercise regimen. For the purpose of building strength and muscle, you can train this move with heavier weights and lower reps, or with more moderate loads and greater reps.

In the six to fifteen rep range, train fairly hard if muscular growth is your primary objective. Use moderate to heavy weight for three to five sets of five to fifteen repetitions. Alternatively, you might use a moderate weight for two to four sets of 10 to 15 repetitions till failure. Between sets, take 45 to 90 seconds to rest. With every set, approach failure. 

When performing the incline bench press, use the same pattern as other strength lifts to maximize strength gains. Use heavy weights in low to moderate rep ranges. By using this method, you should take lengthier breaks. Use a heavy weight and do three sets of five sets of three to five repetitions. Between sets, take three to five minutes to rest. 

What Angle Is Best For Incline Bench

Best Incline Bench Angle For Upper Chest & Delts

You may change the angle at which your bench rests when performing an incline bench press to focus on certain muscle groups more. Generally speaking, you will stress the upper chest more on a flatter bench and target the shoulders more on a higher, more upright posture. The top part of the pectoralis major is more activated at a 30° tilt. 

On the other hand, inclinations higher than 45° result in a marked increase in anterior deltoid activation and a reduction in pectoralis major muscle function.

Additionally, as the angles grow—up to 45 degrees—there appears to be a surge in upper pec activation. But doing so does result in significantly stronger activation of the front delts. This may restrict the amount of weight we can push. Therefore, when the upper pecs have more muscular activation, it does not always follow that this is a superior workout for the clavicular head. An inclination of 45 degrees and above is going to drastically restrict the mechanical pressures we can apply to our upper chest. Unless you have highly overdeveloped shoulders.

Even if it involves somewhat less activation of the delts, we would rather have the stress applied to the upper chest rather than the latter. The workout approaches the similarity of an overhead press or shoulder press. Which mainly targets the front and side deltoids, the greater the angle of the slope. 

Additionally, we would advise working on an inclination of 45 degrees or more to really target the deltoids. Elevating an optimal incline bench angle of 45 degrees will activate the front delts and upper chest to a great degree. The activation of the front delt will then become more noticeable as you raise the bench angle. 

Best Angle For Incline Bench Press: Shoulders

A bench angle of about 80 degrees is what we would propose for a shoulder-focused press. With some stimulation of the upper chest, this will enable you to work the shoulders the most. 

Furthermore, many people develop shoulder soreness and injury while shoulder pressing from a completely upright position. This is why we advocate an 80 degree shoulder press over a straight 90 degree bench angle. Pressing the weight above your head is also not the best position for you. Your body automatically arches the back during a standing military press, which improves your ability to press overhead. Moreover, inclining the bench to 80 degrees rather than a straight 90 degrees would help with this. 

In addition to keeping your shoulders safer and enabling you to exercise for longer. Exercising at an inclination of 80 degrees maximizes your output capacity and the mechanical force applied on your muscles.

Degrees Frequently Used For Incline Bench

We have broken out the most popular inclination angles below, along with some special advantages.

Incline Bench Press Angle 15 Or 30

The upper chest becomes significantly more prominent in relation to the middle chest at a 15º inclination. Beginners or those who want to concentrate on building their chest muscles tend to like this angle. Since it reduces shoulder strain compared to higher angles. Note that the anterior delt (front of your shoulder) does not get very involved at 15º. But as you increase the bench’s angle, they begin to absorb more of the stress.

It is common knowledge that a 30° inclination strikes a balance between working the upper chest and the shoulders. This posture is nearly ideal for whole chest development since it offers a fairly balanced stimulation of both muscle groups. This angle is ideal for gaining strength and muscle in the upper chest area, according to several intermediate lifters. This is the ideal angle to impact the upper chest.

Incline Bench Press Angle 45

The emphasis continues to move toward increasing front delt recruitment at a 45º tilt. Although this position works just as well for the upper chest as 30º, it is the second greatest angle for creating that upper shelf only because it involves more of the shoulder. In your neighborhood gym, this is still most likely the angle that people utilize for an incline. As it increases blood flow to the front delts, those who work their shoulders on the same day as their chest may favor this posture.

Incline Bench Press Angle 60 And More

One would classify a 60º inclination as extremely high. This acute angle emphasizes the front delts even more at the expense of the upper chest. You are practically performing an overhead press at this point. The activation on the chest really starts to decrease as you cross the 45º point and shifts more toward the front delts. I suggest experimenting with the 15º, 30º, and 45º angles to discover which ones perform best for the muscles you are attempting to train. On shoulder days, maintain the 60º angle.

Best Angle For Incline Bench Press: Verdict

To sum everything up. If you are primarily working your upper chest, then a 30 degree optimal incline bench angle is ideal. 45 degrees is the optimal incline bench angle if you want to really activate your delts and upper chest. If your primary goal is to strengthen your delts, then the best degree for incline bench is 60 or 80 degrees. Anything in between will cause the focus to change as the inclination angle increases or decreases. 

Muscles Used in the Incline Barbell Bench Press

Although it is not an isolated exercise, the incline bench press primarily targets the chest. The greater upper body muscle groups are used when performing an incline bench press. Developing these muscles’ size and strength can greatly benefit other pressing motions. Every bench pressing motion works the muscles of the chest. Due to the increased angle of the press, the incline press does however, put more strain on the muscles of the upper chest. The front deltoids contract during a bench press. On the other hand, significantly more of the front delts are worked during the incline press. 

Your anterior deltoids and upper chest will be your targets as you adopt a more vertical pressing plane. Your shoulder involvement increases with the verticality of your push angle. When doing the upper portion of the bench press, your triceps help to extend your elbow. The way these muscles function in the incline bench press is identical. This exercise can therefore increase the variety of your triceps pressing force. This will eventually improve all of your presses.

Benefits of Incline Bench Press 

A minor variant of the standard bench press is the incline barbell bench press. It provides focused muscular growth of the upper chest along with many of the same advantages, such as increased strength and muscle. Here are a few more details.

Improved Athleticism and Upper Body Pushing Strength 

The incline bench press is a useful tool for athletes to vary their pressing performance and strength. Through varying the angles of compression variations, athletes may effectively target trigger points, strengthen weak muscles, and promote enlargement.

Increase Upper Body Muscle 

With comparatively large weights and a high volume, you may train the incline bench press. This makes it a highly efficient compound lift that works several joints to maximize muscle development. You may customize strength and hypertrophy regimens to best meet your goals by using the sets, reps, and weight parameters provided below.

More Isolation Of The Upper Chest 

Whether you are laying flat, inclining, or declining, the pectoral muscles are the target of any type of bench press. But because of the position of your torso, the incline bench press might isolate the upper pec fibers more. As a result of this, it is a fantastic motion for strengthening weaker ranges and maybe underutilized chest muscles.

Variations Of The Incline Barbell Bench Press

If you would want to add some variation to your incline bench press training. You can use unilateral pressing choices, dumbbells, or just varying the tempo at which you perform the barbell exercises.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Using a barbell might put your shoulder in jeopardy for certain lifters. You may adjust the weight angle using dumbbells, which may help you prevent soreness or flare-ups in your shoulders. This exercise, which is unilateral in nature, is excellent for correcting possible muscular and strength imbalances. 

Two dumbbells and an adjustable weight bench are required. Position yourself on a 30 to 45-degree inclined bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. To assist you in hoisting the dumbbells into the starting position, kick up each leg one at a time when the dumbbells are on your thighs and your hands facing each other. Using that momentum, push forward and steady yourself on top. Start the set. Elevate and descend the weight to complete the specified number 

of repetitions.

Best Angle For Incline Dumbbell Press

It is possible to adjust the inclination bench to a degree between 30 and 45. Staying closer to 30 degrees will maintain the majority of the attention on the pecs because the deltoids are engaged more when the bench is more upright.

Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press With One Arm 

You have to be able to manage and resist your body’s rotational forces, including spine rotations, when employing a single dumbbell at a time. The emphasis on anti-rotation enhances the involvement of your core in the exercise. When practicing single-hand pressing, several lifters also discover that they can concentrate fully on tensing the muscle as much as possible.

For this workout, grab a single dumbbell and an adjustable weight bench. Assume a dumbbell bench press position, but use just one dumbbell. Squeeze your empty hand and support your core to prevent rotation of your opposing side. With both shoulders resting on the bench, press the single weight. As an alternative, grip two dumbbells and finish all of your repetitions with the opposite arm while maintaining one in the “racked” position.  

How To Include An Incline Bench Press In Your Workout

When adding incline bench press to your routine. You should usually aim to use it as one of your main exercises in your workout, preferably in the heavier rep ranges of ten. This implies that you should do it early in the session when you are most alert and focused

Usually, it consists of three sets of ten repetitions, depending on your preference for increasing muscle or strength. Try to do a split exercise such as Push, Pull, Legs, or Upper/Lower, twice a week. Get the most out of it and apply it to your overhead press and flat barbell.

Depending on what you used for your flat bench pressing. You should try to perform the incline bench press with either dumbbells or a barbell. For instance, if you began your workout with a flat barbell bench press. You should aim to complete an incline bench press with dumbbells later on. Similarly, perform your incline bench press first, loading more heavily with a barbell.  Especially, if you plan to utilize dumbbells on a particular day for your flat bench press.

It would be preferable to perform the incline bench press on a machine or smith machine. If your only goal is to gain muscle and you do not care too much about developing any raw or functional strength. 

This is because there is less of a demand for stability throughout the action. This leads to a lower level of activation across the body but a greater chance for you to apply the load to the target muscles, in this case the upper chest and shoulders. If your goal is to induce development in the upper chest, front delts, and triceps. Machines are your best bet since they need less stability, which allows for greater growth in the target muscles.


The optimal angle for an incline bench press is debatable. But, most experts concur that a range of 30 to 45 degrees offers a well-rounded exercise for the shoulders and upper chest. It is crucial to pay attention to your body and change the angle as necessary. You may increase the strength and muscle mass in your upper body by including the incline bench press in your exercise regimen. As usual, using correct technique is essential to avoiding injuries and getting the most out of your workout.

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